Immigration Justice
A comprehensive network of support is in place for all young people who have immigrated into the country, are newly arriving, or are attempting migration, including services to bolster their wellbeing, regain stability, address trauma, reunite with their families with supports if it is safe for them to do so, and full and equitable access to housing, income, education, and health care.
The human and legal rights of all young people who have immigrated into the country, are newly arriving, or are attempting migration are fully protected and respected. No form of migration is criminalized, the surveillance state on immigrant communities is ended, militarized border patrol is replaced with border rescue, and ICE is abolished and replaced with comprehensive networks of support.
We Pursue this Future in Solidarity
We recognize the harm, trauma, and even death that our immigration systems enact and perpetuate. This harm is systematically and disproportionately inflicted on Black, Brown, and other immigrants of color, the lowest income immigrants, and LGBTQ immigrants. We support defunding these systems and mechanisms of surveillance and punishment in favor of investments in the supports and services those immigrating to the country and those living in the country who have already immigrated need to thrive.
We will pursue the transformative vision the New Deal in active solidarity with:
Campaigns for a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented people and a fair, humane, and functional immigration system such as We Are Home
The calls to abolish ICE being led by organizations like Mijente and Rise and Resist
Community organizing and principled advocacy for those who have immigrated to the country, like Mijente’s Principles of Unity
Campaigns to end the surveillance state that ICE, Border Control, and other law enforcement agencies use to cause harm to immigrant communities and hold these agencies accountable including, Eyes on ICE: Truth and Accountability Forums, and A Surveillance-Free Future: #NoTechforICE
The fight for the full legal rights of all immigrants including ACLU immigrant’s rights campaigns
This policy vision is shaped to complement broader and related efforts to transform laws and policies that criminalize any form of immigration for all populations, including families and older adults. The policy vision of the New Deal to End Youth Homelessness is focused on the needs of young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness and transforming the laws and policies that harm and jeopardize the safety of young people immigrating or who have already immigrated.
We commit to build solidarity with other coalitions and movements advocating for and creating alternatives to criminalization, surveillance, incarceration, and deportation in our pursuit of the New Deal to End Youth Homelessness.