Economic Justice


  • A comprehensive overhaul of economic supports, employment, and education in this country that creates abundant accessible economic opportunities for healing and advancement for Black, Brown and other people of color who have been harmed by centuries of systemic economic inequity rooted in racialized violence.


We Pursue this Future in Solidarity

We recognize the harm, trauma, and even death that economic policies have caused in this country, including policies on public benefits, employment, and education. This harm is systematically and disproportionately inflicted on Black, Brown, and other people of color and LGBTQ communities. We support a comprehensive overhaul of economic supports, employment, and education in this country that includes comprehensive policy changes and large scale local, state, and federal investments. These investments must include full scale reparations for Black and Indigenous Americans. 

We will pursue the transformative vision the New Deal in active solidarity with: 

This policy vision is shaped to complement broader and related efforts to transform laws and policies that create our public benefits, economic, and educational systems. The policy vision of the New Deal to End Youth Homelessness is focused on the needs of young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness and transforming the laws and policies that harm and jeopardize the safety of young people.

We commit to build solidarity with other coalitions and movements advocating for and creating systems that fully support youth to thrive with income, employment, and educational opportunities and that offer reparations for the harms of slavery and systemic racism to Black Americans and the harms of colonization on Indigenous communities in our pursuit of the New Deal to End Youth Homelessness.

Action 1

Implement an array of direct, flexible and low-barrier financial support that ensures all youth have a living income & offer employment and career supports that offer a pathway to careers of young people’s choice, including entrepreneurship.

Action 2

Fully fund educational pathways for all youth and young adults and support them through successful completion of the educational opportunities of their choice.

Action 3

Actualize reparations for Black and Indigenous Americans that include land and homeownership.